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Handicraft morning

  • 08 May 2017
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Jeanettes" house in Nürenberg

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Hello Ladies,

'll be teaching the technique of tie-dye, as you can see in the picture, with silk paint on silk scarves ( small, medium and large). 
Also silk handkerchiefs, to use as glas cover for your next visit to the Biergarten, so you don't need to share your dink with the bees ;)

Cost: all inkl. (paint, silk ect) 
Handkerchief:1,- Euro, 
small : 2,- Euro, medium 3,-, large 4,- Euro

As participants are limited to 8 pers, please let me know by sunday 7th May via Email or phone ( which is in the member's list).

Hope to see you!

International Women's Group e.V. in Herzogenaurach, Germany | Impressum

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