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Women supporting Women

  • 14 Apr 2021
  • 16:00 - 17:00
  • Virtual via Zoom


Registration is closed

Women Supporting Women IWG 

We will continue our discussion from our March meeting with Jutta Depner, an intercultural trainer, who will share useful advice and work experiences as an entrepreneur and business woman in Germany, after living in Asia. We will exchange ideas about the best ideas and role models from our businesses/careers, how much clarity or vision do we have when we start a business or job, what kind of risks do we take, and what can we learn from our failures.  It will be an interactive discussion so please join us! All are welcome to share, ask questions and learn from each other. 

Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 885 1701 5369 

Once a month we gather to discuss how we can help each other and what we might ask for help on.  Bring your encouragement, ideas, mental list of resources and any challenge you don't want to face alone. 

This group is in development and is slightly more structured than usual coffee meetings. We will work on improving the system as we meet more regular and figure out what people want. 

Proposed way of spending our time: 

First 15-20 min  socializing.  Followed by a round of introductions (introduce your business  if you have one) with a gratitude or celebration from the month before and a check-in on how things are. Remaining time is divided up so we can give attention to each person's request for support.  As a group we can offer our ideas and resources and help for what is being asked.  Someone will facilitate the time keeping to try to keep it even. 

Examples of past requests:

- where to socialize as a busy mom

- ways to practice German

- How to get more followers on Instagram

- Looking for work

-  tips to stave off depression

Recommended video:

cover art by Follow your Art

International Women's Group e.V. in Herzogenaurach, Germany | Impressum

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