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IWG Virtual Annual Association Meeting & Elections

  • 27 May 2021
  • 19:00 - 21:00


Registration is closed

join us for the First IWG virtual annual association meeting!

Dear Ladies we are excited to announce our first Virtual AAM.

We are electing a new board and you are welcome to self nominate or you may nominate another member.

Nominations may be taken in advance or on the night of the elections.

There may be more nominees for each position. The seven board position descriptions are below.

If you wish to candidate please contact a board member if you require more info or send a photo and introduction to

We will send an email introducing all candidates the week before the elections.

Remember these are voluntary positions and there are no specific skills required except time and a willingness to support our members. It is only through your support that the IWG can continue, so take this opportunity to invite something new into your life. I can assure you it will be an enriching experience.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Your IWG Board

Ornela, Neena, Amy, Christine & Linda

More details of the event will follow

Board members are expected to: attend monthly board meetings, familiarise and keep themselves updated with information in the Explorer, E-Newsletter, on the Website, Facebook, and Instagram. Thus being able to actively contribute to the decision making of the board.


  • represents the IWG to legal and administrative authorities
  • represents the IWG in Public Relations
  • leads board meetings
  • coordinates teams for special activities or projects

Vice President

  • represents the President, if the President is not available
  • actively supports the Events Coordinator
  • oversees accuracy of events and information content


  • prepares monthly financial report to the board
  • validate membership on the website for fees paid by bank transfer
  • keeps control of all expenses and membership fee payments
  • reviews contracts


  • takes minutes at the board and general meetings (AGM) and distributes to board members
  • coordinates distribution of mail to the members and authorities
  • maintains IWG legal documents
  • produces IWG documents for distribution to the public


  • maintains and updates the IWG web presence on an ongoing basis
  • coordinates a team for social media presence

Newcomers Representative

  • contacts new members and invites them to Coffee Mornings or Ladies Night Out
  • provides new members with a recent copy of the Explorer
  • provides Editor and Facebook with Newcomers Welcome Info
  • coordinates and recruits hostesses for the Newcomers Events

Events Coordinator

  • heads a committee that plans and organises group activities
  • produces the monthly activity program for the newsletter
  • sends regular emails to remind about the activity program
  • create the events on the IWG website
  • posts relevant information in the News section

Skype link:

International Women's Group e.V. in Herzogenaurach, Germany | Impressum

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